QiYi Cube

QiGong Cube, Thunderclap, QiZheng, Square-1, Thunderclap and More

QiGong Cube, Thunderclap, QiZheng, Square-1, Thunderclap and More

If you're new to QiGong and are looking for a great speedcube, the QiYi Cube is a great option. It's an affordable, solid cube, making it a great first speedcube. It feels nice in your hand and has a smooth, solid feel. QiYi Square-1 The QiYi Square-1 is the best Square-1 available in the market. Though it's a few dollars more expensive than other Square-1s on the market, it still beats them in terms of quality. Its smooth sides and chiseled corners make it a good choice for people who are just starting to learn how to solve a Square-1…
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